
Upcoming Events

Fast Ticket Scanning

Ticket scanning app for iOS or Android devices offers faster ticket validation for larger audiences

Scan Reporting

Ticket scan report shows which tickets have been scanned and which customers have yet to arrive

Committee Sales

Screen ticket requests through Committee Approval, ensuring tickets end up in the right hands; resulting in your event hosting the Right Crowd


Promoters - Manage your Event ‘On the Go’

  • Multiple TTD/ USD Payment Options (Credit - Debit Card or Cash)

  • Sell Tickets through Committees (Credit - Debit Card or Cash)

  • Mobile App (iOS / Android)

  • Real Time Analytics

  • Faster Entry Times into Venues

  • Secure CC Transactions (Multi Factor Authentication)

  • Ticket Scanning Equipment & Staffing Resources (just ask)

  • Easy & Intuitive process

Ticket scanning with your phone

We have a free ticket scanning app that works alongside your eboxtickets account to enable you to scan the code on your customer's tickets, in whatever format they have chosen.

The app checks the ticket reference in real time, so you'll need a Wi-Fi or 3G connection at the venue to use it. You can have multiple devices scanning tickets, all updating your eboxtickets account in real time.


No internet connection?

We have an offline ticket scanning app available for your Windows PC or laptop. Simply install the software and download your event booking information before heading to the event.

When you're ready to start scanning tickets, simply plug-in a USB barcode scanner and start scanning tickets – with no internet connection required.

Unrecognised booking confirmations are visibly and audibly rejected, speeding up your queue management.

Calculate Your Fees

Ticket Price


Download on any Device

Our mobile event app is available to download on any iOS or Android device via the app store.